+ 33 4 34 35 98 94 ecotron@cnrs.fr
HUMI 17 - WP1
2016 - 2017


To demonstrate, in a controlled environment, a correlation between the isotopic oxygen composition (17O-excess) of phytoliths (amorphous silica particles produced, among others, by the fescue used here as a model plant) and the relative humidity of the atmospheric air.

Number of rooms used

  • 4

Project duration

  • 12 months

Past dynamics of continental atmospheric humidity and vegetation: contributions of the triple isotopic composition of oxygen


Anne Alexandre ; Christine Vallet-Coulomb ; Corine Sonzoni ; Sandrine Pauchet ; Clément Piel


CEREG/ ECOTRON – Aix en provence

Journal : Biogeosciences

Référence : DOI:10.5194/bg-15-3223-2018