+ 33 4 34 35 98 94 ecotron@cnrs.fr
And Access


1 Chemin du rioux, Campus de Baillarguet, 34980 Montferrier-sur-Lez

Email : ecotron@cnrs.fr

The Ecotron is located on the Baillarguet campus (6 km North of Montpellier; GPS coordinates: Long. 03° 52′ 35” E; Lat 43° 40′ 53” N).

Address : 1, Chemin du Rioux, Campus de Baillarguet – 34980 Montferrier sur Lez

If you arrive by train or plane, you might want to use public transport as follows :

  • Take the Airport Shuttle to Montpellier train station – departures every 15 minutes
  • From the train station take Tram No. 1 (towards “Mosson”) and get off at Occitanie station

At Occitanie station , take bus 26 in direction CIRAD de Baillarguet – Stop at CIRAD de Baillarguet. See http://tam.cartographie.pro/ for an updated schedule. It is a 20 minutes trip by bus.

Accommodation : Click here for a list of hotels close to the Ecotron